Sara is sitting against a white background, with her tattooed arm resting on her knee. She looks casually at the camera, and is wearing a sleeveless black top. She has wavy dark blonde hair.


Sara Lobkovich, Author

This is a limited blog for purposes of sharing news, updates, and wins as I wind my way toward self-publishing my books, You Are A Strategist, and the No-BS OKRs Workbook.

My main blogs are:

… so you’ll find more general/routine updates there.

Here, I’ll share the behind-the-scenes of creating and launching the books that don’t fit into my regular blogs, as well as important updates about the book’s progress.

Don’t want to miss a thing? Join the pre-launch email list if you haven’t already!

You’re an early visitor and I’m just getting this started, so there’s not much here yet… but there will be soon!

Right now, it’s the waiting game until I have pre-launch and launch dates locked down, so I’ll keep email list subscribers posted as those dates firm up! At that point, I’ll have links here asking for help with getting the word out, so please check back (or keep an eye on your email for updates)!