Coming, Q3 2024

You Are a Strategist:

And don’t let anyone else make you feel otherwise.

Inside many of us are the visions of how things can be different (better) — even when that means challenging the status quo, or leading the charge into uncharted territory.

This upcoming book from strategy coach and OKR activist Sara Lobkovich is your guide on that journey. In this book, you’ll find a new system for translating visionary strategy and transformation into crisp, clear artifacts that your collaborators and contributors can actually understand. You’ll also learn how (and why) to create aspirational, inspired, measurable goals people can get behind to help achieve your vision.

Whatever your job title, if you’re responsible for strategic direction, alignment, or achievement, this book is for you.

“I finally feel confident about my ability to create 
outcomes that will lead to transformation” 

—Alyssa E

“I learned more about OKRs from you in a few hours than from reading books and research. Your style is simultaneously friendly, intelligent, sophisticated, and down-to-earth! Your course was a game-changer.”

- Theresa Stockdale

“Sara is an inspirational leader in OKRs – she was the fist person I ever heard talk about OKRs in such a non-corporatized, relatable-to-anything way. If you’re interested in OKRs, impacted by job market volatility, or just curious about OKRs in general, I can’t recommend attending anything she hosts enough!”

- Megan Decker

Book Club Guide

Coming soon! Want to know when our Book Club Guide is available? Drop me an email!

My Books

  • You Are A Strategist

    Learn practical skills for making strategy accessible, and increasing your strategic achievement (for status-quo challengers and business rebels).

  • The No-BS OKRs Workbook

    A companion to You Are A Strategist with full-size copies of the essential worksheets for creating your Connected Strategy on a Page and No-BS OKRs, with quick descriptions of each exercise.